Trekking in Nepal
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I Maoisti avvertono gli operatori turistici

26/03/2002 Stato: Nepal

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Nepal News
On Line

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Dove:aggiornamento 26/03/2002
Fonte:Foreign & Commonwealth Office - Travel Advice
In breve:

Il Foreing office ha aggiornato le informazioni sul Nepal. Nel ricordare che ai primi di Aprile vi sarà uno sciopero generale in Nepal proclamato dai guerriglieri maosii, il FCO riferisce che agli operatori turistici di Kathmandu sarebbe stata fatta pervenire una lettera in cui il comando dei guerriglieri avvisa che non prevede di attaccare i turisti. Al tempo stesso i gueriglieri avvertono i turisti stessi della possibilità che si trovino casualmente coinvolti in conflitti a fuoco fra guerriglieri e forze governative.

Originale: I Maoisti avvertono gli operatori turistici
(lingua: English )
Su Internet

Governo Nepal (ing)

Ambasciata Italiana Nuova Delhi (non agg)
Nepal Architecture [ing]
Travellers Nepal [ing]
Media e Notizie

Radio Nepal [ing]
The Katmandu Post [ing]
Nepal News [ing]
Kantipur On Line (ing)
Portali e Motori di ricerca
Explore Nepal [ing]
Nepal [ing]
Compagnie Aeree
Gorkha Airlines [ing]
Necon Air [ing]
Royal Nepal Airlines [ing]

Siti Maoisti

Last Updated: 26 March 2002
Still Current at: 26 March 2002

Although there have been no recorded attacks on foreign tourists by Maoists, British nationals must exercise exceptional caution when travelling or trekking in Nepal.

Since the end of the cease-fire between the Government of Nepal and Maoists and the declaration of a national State of Emergency on 26 November 2001, the Royal Nepal Army (RNA) have engaged Maoist terrorists across rural Nepal.

This is an unpredictable time. Bomb attacks in major population centres across the country, including Kathmandu and the Kathmandu valley, are increasing. Maoists seeking to ambush security force convoys have mined roads and bridges, in particular in remoter parts of the country. Army patrols and other government targets have been attacked, often by huge numbers of Maoist rebels. Nighttime curfews have been declared in a number of towns and districts at short notice. Army and police checkpoints are frequently encountered, resulting in extended journey times.

According to a recent statement by the CPN (Maoists), a five-day bandh (shutdown) is being scheduled countrywide for 2 – 6 April inclusive. According to the statement, detailed programmes will be announced later. In the meantime, the statement makes clear that grassroots Maoists organisations, including the Revolutionary Student’s Union and Women’s and Peasants’ Associations will be engaging in co-ordinated activities in advance of the bandhs to draw attention to Maoist demands. In addition to this statement, the Maoist leadership has issued an open letter containing threats against hotels, airlines, buses and travel businesses owned by prominent but unspecified Nepalese nationals. The letter is at pains to reassure foreign tourists that they are not themselves targets. It does however, warn of the dangers of being inadvertently caught up in the crossfire between the opposing forces.

We cannot at this stage predict the response to the bandhs but past experience has shown that public transportation, taxis and private buses may not operate: Shops, restaurants and bars will remain closed and government offices poorly staffed: effectively halting day-to-day activities throughout Nepal. Tourists may well see their travel in-country travel plans severely disrupted during the five days of the bandh.

Consulta  anche:Aide au Zanskar - Aiuto allo Zanskar 
Originale:I Maoisti avvertono gli operatori turistici 


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